Friday, December 27, 2019

The Perception Of Personality Disorders Essay - 994 Words

The human mind is a mysterious and complex enigma. Neurologists and psychiatrists are still on the verge of understanding behavioral patterns to the fullest extent. There are many behavior patterns that people are not fully aware of most of the time. However, some people have behavior patterns that affect their daily lives. These patterns are ingrained into their personality and can prevent them from reaching life goals. These traits are some of the fundamentals of personality disorders. Psychiatrist Alexander L. Chapman describes them as, â€Å"a long-lasting pattern of relating to the world that doesn’t work well.† (Chapman and Gratz) Personality disorders affect socializing and basic relationship skills that disrupt friendships and daily interactions; a better understanding of these disorders will help those who face similar problems to get diagnosed and further the research of these disorders; the top four most commonly diagnosed personality disorders in the U.S. a re Borderline Personality Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and Schizoid Personality Disorder. The first disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, is the most commonly diagnosed personality disorder in the U.S. An estimated 1.6% of U.S. adults are diagnosed with the disorder, however studies suggest that it may be closer to 5.6%. (NAMI) The basis of Borderline Personality Disorder is emotional instability that creates difficulties in one s behaviors, relationships,Show MoreRelatedThe Perception Of Personality Disorders Essay1043 Words   |  5 Pagesingrained into their personality and may alienate others and may prevent them from achieving life goals. These traits are some of the fundamentals of personality disorders. Psychiatrist Alexander L. Chapman describes them as, â€Å"a long-lasting pattern of relating to the world that doesn’t work well.† (Chapman and Gratz). 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Types Of Cosmetic Surgery And How They Are Affected By...

The Types of Cosmetic Surgery and How They Are Affected by Body Image Studies have shown that, 14.6 million cosmetic plastic surgery procedures were performed in 2012. â€Å"As cosmetic economic indicators such as auto, retail, and home sales saw gains in 2012 – so too did plastic surgery† ( This statistic has proved that across the United States people are being affected with the opinion and views formed based off of Body Image. Throughout the years, the ideas of body image have changed based off of people’s personal desires on what they should look like or on â€Å"trend†. Women, children, and even men base their body image on what society believes is ideal. In some years, society might believe that a small waist and a thin frame might be the perfect body image. In others, the curvier frame would be the ideal body image. People have gone down the path of cosmetic surgery in order to meet their needs and desires for what they believe are the â€Å"perfect body†. The types of plastic surgery t hat are being performed correlate directly to the ideas of what body image is supposed to look like. The use of plastic surgery date back to 2,000 B.C. where Egyptians and Indians would practice on warriors injured from battle in order to fix their wounded faces. â€Å"In India and Egypt, ancient physicians practiced some of the most rudimentary forms of plastic surgery† (Janelle). With the knowledge obtained from these early surgeries, early doctors began to use their practicesShow MoreRelatedWhy Cosmetic Surgery Improves Mental Health1689 Words   |  7 PagesColvin A main motivator for getting cosmetic surgery is the desire of being more satisfied with one’s own appearance and improving self-esteem. However, research has shown that this is not always the case. There have been variable results showing whether cosmetic surgery will improve psychological variables such as body image, self-esteem, and mental health. Body image specifically has been suggested to be a crucial factor in the desire to undergo cosmetic surgery. This is based off two importantRead MorePlastic Surgery Is All Over The Media1453 Words   |  6 PagesThese days, plastic surgery is all over the media. Top stars and celebrities have touted it as the means of achieving physical perfection. Due to this influence, it has become accepted and indeed prevalent in the society today. Its rapid commonplace has been facilitated by the coming of non-invasive procedures such as Botox. In 2007 alone, the American Society of Aesthetic Surgery reported that approximately 13.3 bi llion dollars were spent on plastic surgery, which was a 17% increase over the previousRead MoreAnalysis Of Heidi Montag s Influence On Cosmetic Surgeries872 Words   |  4 Pagesdissatisfaction and the inability to achieve perfection has caused some individuals to become physiological obsessed with and dependent on cosmetic surgeries. At times obtaining dangerous measurements to achieve the desired perfect physique. Heidi Montag a celebrity who underwent ten cosmetic surgeries in a single day, as a means of achieving the perfect physique, is an example on how cultural ideals pressures individuals to conform to the current beauty norms (Ugrina 2014, p.100). Another example is the BrazilianRead MoreCosmetic Surgery And Its Effects On Society1462 Words   |  6 PagesIn the past few years cosmetic surgeries popularity has increased, with wanting to look a certain way, the way that the media perceives body image for women, usually they use Botox, aesthetic surgery, and a reconstructi ve surgery; to fix facial features and body parts after a horrible accident. However the controversy begins is, how it can be harmful to every ones body and minds. Most people do not realize the damaging side effects with what is being injected into their bodies. Botox is one of theRead MoreTeenagers and the Plastic Surgery Epidemic Essay1090 Words   |  5 Pagesnumber of American teenagers choose to alter their body in order to fit the unrealistic standard of physical attractiveness created by our beauty-obsessed culture. Teens feel an immense amount of pressure to look â€Å"beautiful† from the media, peers and even parents. Teenagers are going to extreme lengths to reach this physical perfection, but when it comes down to it, just how far is too far? The numbers of teens going through with plastic surgery is startling and will continue to rise as America fallsRead MoreEssay Cosmetic Surgery - No Longer Only For the Rich and Famous1393 Words   |  6 PagesCosmetic surgery companies offer many options in which to finance cosmetic procedures for individual of all income levels. There were over 10 million surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures performed in the United States in 2008, as reported by the American Society for Aes thetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). (Surgery, 2009) The statistic mentioned, clearly shows how many of us now would be willing to undergo cosmetic surgery. But, have you asked why? In today’s society, plastic surgery is theRead MorePlastic Surgery: Why Is so Popular? Essay1307 Words   |  6 PagesPlastic surgery is medical process through which people can make their physical aspect look better. There are two major kinds of plastic surgeries: cosmetic and reconstructive. People are and have always concern about their body image and the perspective that other could have about it. Therefore, people are always looking for the solution, which most of the time end up being the plastic surgery. Where these procedures originated? Moreover, how do we get to the actual point of plastic surgery? ClearlyRead MoreCosmetic Surgery : An Accidental Of Popularity1422 Words   |  6 Pagesthe appearance of one’s body has been one of the most concerning features a person may have in l ife. Mainly because being attractive can help with almost anything. People look more highly at you and even respect you more than a person who isn’t attractive. One of the main emphases on a person’s attractiveness is their face. â€Å"Facial attractiveness provides honest cues to health and mate value† (Barber, 1994). This is a major reason as to why many are turning to cosmetic surgery for assistance with theirRead MoreThe Pitfalls of Cosmetic Surgery Essay1569 Words   |  7 PagesCosmetic surgery has become increasingly more popular. However, many are unsatisfied with their results. Debra Dunn decided to have cosmetic surgery to fix a bump she had on her nose as a result of a childhood injury. After having two nose jobs and spending thousands of dollars, she was so dissatisfied with her results that she was embarrassed when she left the house and avoided mirrors. When she ventured out in public, she hid behind her hair. Although doctors tried convincing her that her noseRead MoreShould We Undergo Plastic Surgery?1489 Words   |  6 Pageseven taken more drastic measures by turning to plastic surgery to alter their appearance. However, unlike makeup, plastic surgery is definitely something that can be taken too far since it is permanent. Women should not have to feel the need to undergo plastic surgery at all: unless it is for reconstructive purposes. Sadly, last year alone, facial plastic surgeons recorded 64% of their patients under the age of 30 had undergone cosmetic surgery or injectable treatments (Matthews, 2016, para. 8). Some

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

New Zealand Healthcare

Question: Outline the Causes of Ethical Issues experienced by Students and Health professionals in the New Zealand Healthcare System. Discuss the Sustainability of Providing Healthcare Services under the Current level of funding by the Ministry of Health. Answer: Introduction While dealing with the health care services, ethical issues are very common in the industry. Around every decision that are made in the health care and nursing services can have implications regarding ethical concerns. These implications definitely have effects on the health care providers, leaders and mostly the patients. Ethical queries associated with the health care, health and public health care concerns as very diverse as the issues regarding morality around state obligations in the provision of services associated with health care and suitable measures for controlling infectious disease. Scholars and professionals in health care have argument ethical questions associated with health and health care right from the early years of medicine (Barker Pistrang, 2015). Under the circumstances of competing priorities and limited resources, the providers of health care service, public health and biomedical investigators, and the makers of policy are mostly forced to take difficult choices regarding how best securing of optimal health outcomes for population and individuals can be done. Demands for fast actions may not leave much time for sufficient consideration of the ethical issues. However, any failure to present explicit attention to the ethics may lead in various negativity, such as injustice and harm, the implications of which mostly resulted disproportionately by the vulnerable groups. Hence, it is very important to centralize the ethics in orientation to the decision making in the health care and nursing industry. The students and practitioners of health care and nursing services happen to experience various kinds of ethical issues and challenges throughout their clinical practice in various ways (Black, 2016). It is very important for the educators in the nursing and health care industry to understand the need for recognizing the unique issues that are faced by these professionals and students. The causes that result in various kind so ethical issues during the practice of health and nursing services mostly associate with compromise of safety of patients, unsafe practices of health care, unsafe and unhygienic conditions of work and suspected neglect or abuse (Jacob, Decker Lugg, 2016). The lack of assistance and supervision, bullying concerns and even end of life issues are also included as some of the causes that associated with the resulting ethical issues in the health care system and industry in New Zealand. The idea of sustainability of providing health care services under the current level of funding by the Ministry of Health of New Zealand can be very well conceived form the comparison and contrast between the New Zealand Social Security Act which was passed in 1938 and the claims regarding funding of healthcare in New Zealand. It has been found that the claims of funding in the health care in the country are at an excessive status and increasing further at a very alarming rate (Issel Wells, 2017). The New Zealand Social Security Act was intended for ensuring the presence of universal access for all sorts of comprehensive services of health care and nursing through a taxation system. The sustainability of the provision of healthcare services under the current level of funding by the Ministry of Health is significant as the costs of health care with the advancement of time are increasing as a result of various factors. These include the increase in the availability of new and advanced treatments which are mostly expensive treatments, a widening gap in income, increase in the ageing and total population (Purtilo Doherty, 2015). These factors have left a significant and increased percentage of the population in poverty. Simultaneously, there have been many repeated claim by various agencies and governments that the cost of funding in the public services of health care in New Zealand has turned out to be unsustainable. These claims do not possess scrutiny. But the scenarios definitely need urgent attention regarding how much has to be spend in the system of public health. Thesis statement The healthcare environment has scopes for causing ethical issues regarding unsafe work environment, breach in the privacy, dignity, respect and confidentiality, changing of attitudes; autonomy issues are very much prevalent in the nursing and healthcare industry in New Zealand. Scope of the essay The concerns regarding the ethical issues and there causes encompass the students and professionals in the nursing and health care system in the country of New Zealand. Causes of ethical issues experienced by students and health professionals Although the students and professionals in the nursing and health care system in New Zealand have a significant role in the establishment of the environments and programs that have direct impact on the delivery of patient care, the dilemmas and issues regarding unsafe work environment, feeling of powerlessness, validation and acceptance of decisions of others, and the requirement to compromise which has affected the ability of the students and professional in the health care and nursing service to uphold the standards of ethics. It was observed that around 10 percent of the participants in a research which was conducted in the research study conducted in Nursing students experiences of ethical studies in clinical practice: A New Zealand study, around 4.3 score regarding distress as found among the students and professional in the nursing and healthcare service system in New Zealand. This issue was also found that most of the issues resulted in the students and professionals to prefer to work in safe environment of work and safety of patients (Parahoo, 2014). The research study also provided the facts that presented the fact that 11 out of 15 ethical issues arose when the students and professional in the nursing and health care system in New Zealand experienced unsafe conditions of work and the unsafe practices of health care towards their patients which placed the health and life of patients at risk. It was also found that many participants reported that the lack of veracity or truthfulness which is displayed by the healthcare staff. These issues were found to be at the highest rank in the list of ethical issues and dilemmas in the research study (Pozgar, 2014). Values that are invoked very commonly include fairness, autonomy, honesty, compassion, trust, solidarity, respect and freedom. The students and professionals in the health care and nursing system in New Zealand confront the ethical issues regarding difference in values, culture and autonomy among individuals, groups levels. In the research study, higher scores of distress were found in the majority of issues which resulted due to the difference in the cultural values, conflicts regarding honesty, trust, and freedom in the way of work (Sinclair, Papps Marshall, 2016). The validation of the implications of theses aspects in the distressing of the students and professionals in the nursing and healthcare system in New Zealand could be obtained by the high level of distress scores. This was also supported by the fact that the nursing and health care practitioners and students in New Zealand related there increasing concern regarding the structure and function of their environment of work towards the end of their training and associated the their own high levels of stress (Whitehead et al., 2015). They also were observed to analyze their own coping abilities along with the deficits in the care of patients which are found to be very much pronounced in the health care and nursing environment which is unsafe. The net scores for overall distress were found to have significant increase in a year. The ethical issues regarding the commitment of the authorities to the workforce was one of the leading issues according to the research. The change in the commitment of the institution to its human resource which included the students and professional in the nursing and health care department led to many ethical issues in the nursing and healthcare system of New Zealand. The ethical concerns do not necessarily revolve around the loyalty, instead regarding the commitment of the organization to its workforce which when not materialize enables the latter to leave the organization and learn new and innovative skills. Supervision and support are very crucial for the development of clinical skills along with ethical competence according to the research studies on nursing students (Savery, 2015). The participant in the research study reviewed that there was a lack of support from the authorities of the nursing and health care students and professionals in the health system of New Zealand. It was also observed that the nursing staff was not much interested in working with the students and professionals in the nursing and health care system in New Zealand. Regarding the scenario of bullying or abuse of any kind also resulted in ethical issues and concerns in the nursing and healthcare system of New Zealand. According to the research paper, bullying was considered to be more suitable for assessing eh unsolicited reports regarding abuse and bullying by the NZNO National Nursing Student Survey. Form the research it was obtained that the participants did not find bullying to be considered as an ethical issue. On the other hand, 10 percent of the participants review that there have been significant instances of experiences regarding bullying and abuse (Ventola, 2014). Thus, the frequency score in this regard was 4.2 and it was found to be reported as extremely distressing with a very mean score of distress of 4.5. The other aspects that led to arising of ethical issues associated with veracity and end of life care. The concerns and issues that were associated with the end of life care were not exactly found on the questionnaire as this issue is much more complex in nature and more challenging in the nursing and health care (Webb, Bain Page, 2016). The issues associated with the end of life care include the issues of ethics where care was imparted either to avoid the measures taken for saving life or to prolong the life of the participants by the students and professionals in the nursing and health care experienced that it contradicted the wishes of the patients. There were ethical issues associated with dishonesty in the nursing and healthcare system in New Zealand. It was also found that the students and the professional in the health care and nursing sector had low frequency rates regarding the high levels of distress when the experience was felt (Whitehead et al., 2015). Other various issues that were obtained from analysis of the research study included the involvement of other staff in the nursing and health care system in New Zealand and concentrated on the lack of guidance and supervision afforded to the students and professionals. The breach of privacy and confidential aspects indiscriminately and distressing regarding the practices also placed both the students and professionals of health care and nursing practices along with the patients at risk (Purtilo Doherty, 2015). Conclusion The New Zealanders of have high status of health but a significant level of inequalities regarding health and ethical status regarding health. The students and practitioners of nursing and healthcare are very prone to face ethical issues and dilemma during their work experience in the health care industry in New Zealand. Managing to perform efficiently in the midst of ethical issues in the circumstances where there will be breach in the privacy and confidential information, dominance of higher authority, on-cooperation and no support from the senior officials, unsafe environment of work, change of attitudes and behavior of the people associated with both the authorities and patients along with high stakes of respect, dignity and security has proved to be a daunting task for the students and practitioners of nursing and healthcare system in New Zealand. The health care environment is leading to a huge space for growth of distress among the students and practitioners of nursing as well as health care. It is due to the increase in the ethically complex and highly challenging nature of work. The outcome of this distress one the students and practitioners is comparatively unexplored territory. The health care institutions need to provide ethics education to all its employees and practitioners in order to prevent the ethical issues form arising in the work place. Moreover, due to ethical education the students will also be able to prepare themselves for facing varying situations which are ethically challenging by nature. The students and practitioners in this industry need to be educated and empowered for enabling to be intelligently and actively raise their voices and take appropriate measures to make their voices heard and settle their challenges with dignity. References Barker, C., Pistrang, N. (2015). Research methods in clinical psychology: An introduction for students and practitioners. John Wiley Sons. Black, B. (2016). Professional Nursing-E-Book: Concepts Challenges. Elsevier Health Sciences. Jacob, S., Decker, D. M., Lugg, E. T. (2016). Ethics and law for school psychologists. John Wiley Sons. Issel, L. M., Wells, R. (2017). Health program planning and evaluation. Jones Bartlett Learning. Purtilo, R. B., Doherty, R. F. (2015). Ethical dimensions in the health professions. Elsevier Health Sciences. Parahoo, K. (2014). Nursing research: principles, process and issues. Palgrave Macmillan. Pozgar, G. D. (2014). Legal and ethical issues for health professionals. Jones Bartlett Publishers. Sinclair, J., Papps, E., Marshall, B. (2016). Nursing students' experiences of ethical issues in clinical practice: A New Zealand study. Nurse education in practice, 17, 1-7. Savery, J. R. (2015). Overview of problem-based learning: Definitions and distinctions. Essential readings in problem-based learning: Exploring and extending the legacy of Howard S. Barrows, 9, 5-15. Ventola, C. L. (2014). Social media and health care professionals: benefits, risks, and best practices. Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 39(7), 491. Webb, P., Bain, C., Page, A. (2016). Essential epidemiology: an introduction for students and health professionals. Cambridge University Press. Whitehead, P. B., Herbertson, R. K., Hamric, A. B., Epstein, E. G., Fisher, J. M. (2015). Moral Distress Among Healthcare Professionals: Report of an Institution?Wide Survey. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47(2), 117-125.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The difference Essays - English-language Films, Lost Films

The difference Rachel Wilson Treasure Island, written by Robert Louis Steverson, is an adventure fable of a young boy, Jim Hawkins in his search for treasure. Jim, the main character and narrator of the fable, is a typical little boy who somehow manages to get himself involved in an action packed adventure. Throughout the story, Jim remodels himself from a scared little boy from Bristol, England to a brave, compassionate, and clever young man. Although, in the story Jim makes many mistakes, he quickly learns from them. Although, Jim is an easily frightened young boy in the beginning of the novel. He eventually starts to show some maturing with the death of the seaman, Billy Bones. The death experience is a traumatic one for such a young boy as Jim. His feelings are read when he says: It was the second death I had known, and the sorrow of the first was still fresh in my heart (21) When Jim states the sorrow of the first he is talking about his father. This marks the beginning of Jim maturing into a young man and the point where he has to start making decisions for both his mother and him. The death of Billy Bones left Jim and his mother in difficult position. Billy Bones had ran up a tab for the time he stayed at the Admiral Benbow Inn. Jim's mother declared she would not loose money that belonged to her fatherless boy. After seeking help in hamlet, and finding no one to return with them to the Admiral Benbow Inn, Jim and his mother set off back to the inn to collect what was rightfully theirs from the chest of Billy Bones. Although, Jim and his mother were scared at the time, this is a point where Jim shows he is maturing as he sets off back to the inn with her. While at the inn collecting what is theirs they hear the sound of footsteps and see a light approaching the inn; this scares Jim's mother and she announces take the money and run on. I am going to faint.(28); but instead of doing as she asks he manages to drag her down the bank and a little under the bridge where they remain hidden until help arrived. By this part in the novel Jim is starting to become more responsible, and begins to show maturity. As the story continues to unfold, Jim shows more and more maturity and attempts to take on more responsibility. While aboard the Hispaniola Jim finds himself in an apple barrel ease dropping on a conversation that could help save the lives of the honest men aboard the ship. Jim shows that he understands the importance of what he has heard while in the apple barrel and waits patiently for a time to speak where he will not to be overheard. When Dr. Livesey calls Jim to bring his tobacco Jim not only breaks his silence, but also speaks with authority by saying: Doctor, let me speak. Get the captain and squire down to the cabin, and then make some pretense to send for me. I have terrible news. (74) The doctor understands and dismisses Jim loudly. When called below ship Jim tells Dr. Livesey, Squire, and Captain Smollett what he had heard while hiding in the barrel. The men try and decide which of the crew are of the honest men aboard and come up with the idea of sending them ashore for the afternoon. As the crew heads for land Jim decides that it is a good idea to hide in one of the boats that is headed ashore, No one took notice to him, only the bow oar saying: Is that you, Jim? Keep your head down. Once ashore Jim wastes no time by getting out of site of the others. Even though, Jim made a hastily decision by jumping into the boat he did so thinking it was the right thing to do. While ashore there is a short period where Jim slips back into the scared little boy he once was. However, he quickly moves back toward manhood when he

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

To what extent can Tybalt truely be blamed for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.

To what extent can Tybalt truely be blamed for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Tybalt is shown as a villain in Romeo and Juliet but how much can he really be blamed?Tybalt is a proud and patriotic Capulet cousin, his name reflects his personality (tybalt means the prince of cats) he is a rare swordsman and fights with honor, although he does take personal insults very far he can be viewed in two ways, first as a racist, prejudiced against the Montagues or second as an honorable man who fights for family and what he believes to be right, Mercoutio describes him as"More than prince of cats, I can tell you. O, he isthe courageous captain of compliments. He fightsas you sing prick-song, keeps time, distance, andproportion; rests me his minim rest, one, two, and thethird in your bosom: the very butcher of a silk button,a duellist, a duellist; a gentleman of the very firsthouse, of the first and second cause," (2.4.26)The Reconciliation of the Montagues and Capulets W...In scene 1 act 1 Rioting has broken out between the two families, Tybalt must be held responsible for turning down an offer of peace from the Montagues,"What, drawn, and talk of peace! I hate the word,As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee:Have at thee, coward!" (1.1.72)However following the riot Tybalt and indeed all Capulets and Montagues are issued a warning that if violence is broken out again someone will pay the price"If ever you disturb our streets again,Your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace." (1.1.97)In this Tybalt does receive a warning so although he can be blamed for exacerbating a fight in act 1 scene 1 he cannot be further punished.Some would believe that Tybalt does not really listen to the Princes warning which shows a lack of respect for...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on American Dream In “The Great Gatsby“

Jay Gatsby, the main character of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby symbolizes the American dream. In the 1920’s, the American Dream was something that everyone struggled to have. A spouse, children, money, a big house and a car meant that someone had succeeded in life. A very important belief was that money could buy you anything. One look at Gatsby’s past and it could be seen that he was destined to get ahead in life. Gatsby’s determination to gain a large amount of wealth is a huge part of the American dream. He believes that once he achieved his financial goal it would lead to a better life. Jay Gatsby thinks money is the answer to anything he encounters. He has the best of everything. The nicest car, the largest house, and the finest clothes. Jay has everything except what he most desires, Daisy. Appearance is another important factor in the American dream. In his quest to win Daisy’s heart Gatsby chooses to wear his best outfit. Gatsby is so proud of his clothes that when Daisy visits his mansion, â€Å"He took out a pile of shirts and began throwing them, one by one, before us, shirts of sheer linen and thick silk and fine flannel†¦ While we admired he brought more and the soft rich heap mounted higher-shirts with stripes and scrolls and plaids in coral and apple-green and lavender and faint orange, with monograms of indian blue.† Gatsby’s shirts are more then just garments to him. They are some of the many objects he possesses that were created by money. These shirts contribute towards Gatsby’s vision of the American dream, that his money and belongings will create happiness for him. Another major object of American dream was to own a large house. Gatsby says to Nick and Daisy, â€Å"My house looks well, doesn’t it? See how the whole front of it catches the light†. He gave Nick and Daisy the grand tour of his house, showing off all of his â€Å"worldly† possessions. Room after room, everything was shown ... Free Essays on American Dream In â€Å"The Great Gatsbyâ€Å" Free Essays on American Dream In â€Å"The Great Gatsbyâ€Å" Jay Gatsby, the main character of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby symbolizes the American dream. In the 1920’s, the American Dream was something that everyone struggled to have. A spouse, children, money, a big house and a car meant that someone had succeeded in life. A very important belief was that money could buy you anything. One look at Gatsby’s past and it could be seen that he was destined to get ahead in life. Gatsby’s determination to gain a large amount of wealth is a huge part of the American dream. He believes that once he achieved his financial goal it would lead to a better life. Jay Gatsby thinks money is the answer to anything he encounters. He has the best of everything. The nicest car, the largest house, and the finest clothes. Jay has everything except what he most desires, Daisy. Appearance is another important factor in the American dream. In his quest to win Daisy’s heart Gatsby chooses to wear his best outfit. Gatsby is so proud of his clothes that when Daisy visits his mansion, â€Å"He took out a pile of shirts and began throwing them, one by one, before us, shirts of sheer linen and thick silk and fine flannel†¦ While we admired he brought more and the soft rich heap mounted higher-shirts with stripes and scrolls and plaids in coral and apple-green and lavender and faint orange, with monograms of indian blue.† Gatsby’s shirts are more then just garments to him. They are some of the many objects he possesses that were created by money. These shirts contribute towards Gatsby’s vision of the American dream, that his money and belongings will create happiness for him. Another major object of American dream was to own a large house. Gatsby says to Nick and Daisy, â€Å"My house looks well, doesn’t it? See how the whole front of it catches the light†. He gave Nick and Daisy the grand tour of his house, showing off all of his â€Å"worldly† possessions. Room after room, everything was shown ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Undecided Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

Undecided - Essay Example The speaker in this poem intended to bring out various messages. This poem highlights three main messages; decision-making in life, Isolation in the society and that nature is beautiful and attractive. The speaker in this poem shows that one cannot avoid decision making in life. While he is travelling, he stops between the woods and a frozen lake. The beautiful and alluring woods are the reason he stops, he stares at them for a while before his little horse shakes the bell of its harness to ask for any mistakes. The speaker realizes that he has to make a decision on whether he should remain in the attractive woods or continuing with his journey probably to the village, where he has promises that he needs to fulfill. The speaker has to choose between two worlds. The woods are attractive and seem to offer the speaker perfect quiet and solitude, which he seems to desire. On the other side, there is a different world from the woods, the world with people and societal obligations. Both sides interest the speaker in different ways but he has to decide which side is the best for him. The world with people however seems more important to the speaker since he decides to leave the woods and continue with his journey. In the poem â€Å"stopping by woods on a snowy evening†, the speaker has to choose between his self-desires and society desires. It seems that it is unusual for him to stop for a while and enjoy himself, for instance stopping to admire the beauty of the woods. His duties and responsibilities to the society do not allow some time for him. He however stops for a while to stare at the lovely woods. His little horse shakes the bell of its harness to alert him that it is unusual to stop in the woods. He decides to continue with his journey where he has duties and responsibilities to fulfill for the society. This implies that he

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

British decolonization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

British decolonization - Essay Example The cartoon is striking in that it reduces the geopolitical tension of the Cuban Missile Crisis, where the United States and Soviet Union reached the brink of nuclear war over the stationing of Russian missiles in Cuba, to a bar game or crude, male ego-driven sport. From the Soviet perspective, the Americans had previously stationed nuclear missiles positioned at Russia from similar strategic locations in Europe and Asia. The two countries, in less than 20 years, had built nuclear arsenals hundreds of thousands of times greater than the weapons used to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki. By many scientific estimates, the two countries possessed sufficient nuclear weapon power to destroy the entire earth many times over. Few were completely certain of the effects of nuclear war on a mass scale, but both sides had built the largest, most powerful war machines the world had ever seen, and Khrushchev and Kennedy pursued a policy of brinksmanship to bring the entire global civilization to the th reat of destruction through their two nuclear arsenals. That the two political leaders are reduced to the caricature of a bar-room arm wrestling match represents the anxiety felt by the general populace who were restrained from truly participating in the decision making of the match, but were rather forced into the role of spectators to watch how events unfolded in mass-media and television. The public could only wonder if two human beings, with human emotions and weaknesses, could be trusted to manage the behavior of nations and armies with such a great destructive firepower. The policy of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) was based in the brinksmanship of the political rulers in the cartoon, highlighting the tension of the day in a manner that also illuminates the risk of the human emotions in a centralized leadership command structure. This activity was also depicted in Stanley Kubrick’s classic movie Dr. Strangelove. The brinksmanship ended with the Soviets withdrawing t he nuclear missiles from Cuba in the end to a standoff that had captivated the world as the first and possibly most serious escalation of conflict between superpowers in the Cold War. This cartoon is useful to understand the public opinion of the times, but could be further verified through relations to other news media such as editorials and journalism of the events. Historians Craft Assignment Question 2 Source 2 of 2: An Excerpt from a Political Diary Sunday, November 26, 1967 So this is the end of the second devaluation week and we’re still completely without any central control or decision-taking in this Labour Government. And the chances of getting this as a result of the devaluation are very small indeed. .... the lower the Government plummets the stronger my position grows in my own little corner. Suppose the impossible happened and as a result of the crisis Jim [Callaghan] replaced Harold [Wilson]. That’s not inconceivable when you remember Macmillan replacing Eden after Suez. But it’s something I wouldn’t tolerate because I know the qualities of Mr Callaghan. He’s not an adventurous bold forward-looking Macmillan who could rejuvenate the Party. Right inside he’s a coward with a wonderful outside image and a very likeable personality. ... however, I don’t see the remotest chance of Harold going. It’

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Can Exercise Make Kids Smarter Essay Example for Free

Can Exercise Make Kids Smarter Essay I do feel exercise does and could make kids smarter. This article is mainly about scientist testing kids and animals to see how they react and their knowledge after exercising for certain amounts of time. In the article they prove scientifically that exercise has no real change on I. Q. and intelligence levels. Then they tested it and then made the pets and animals run some kind of test and instantly they scored went up just a little at least. Exercise I think just gets your mind working and thinking and that’s all that helps the scores. In my life I feel that when I get up a little early and do some quick activities my brain and mind are ready to think for the rest of the day. So I agree with the idea in this article. This article I think is truly about how exercise changes and helps the life of young people and animals. I feel exercise should be at least done every other day for at least 1 hour. Usually just getting up and exercising means you miss one game of x box or you miss one TV show, but in the big picture of life it is important to exercise. To the scientific part I think exercise gives you a mind set that your mind is fresh and clear and that’s why the scientific test don’t pick up a simple thing like that. Well I do feel exercise if nothing else sets your mind set and tells you you CAN do well on the test and comprehend a lot more that without exercise. This article helped me realize a lot about exercise and how sometimes scientific test are not as accurate as what they seem.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Essay --

Advantages and Limitations of the Conventional Brick Manufacturing Methods:- The brick making process starts with the preparation of the clay with which the bricks will be made. This clay is then molded into the specified dimensions. There are two types of molding-Slop Molding & Sand Molding. Once dried, these molded bricks are transferred to a fire kiln where the bricks are subjected to a very high temperature to harden them. Now-a-days new manufacturing methods are replacing the conventional ones and some are still in practice. It’s because the conventional methods have some advantages as well as some disadvantages in some or other step. Based upon their disadvantages and advantages either they are being replaced by new methods or are still in practice. The advantages and disadvantages of these steps could be as follows:- Preparation of the Clay:- The right type of clay is extracted from the ground. This clay contains hard lumps in it. To get smooth, soft and moist mixture which contains no hard lump, the clay is treated. The treatment is done in two steps:-Tempering and mixing. In Tempering, water is added in exact proportions based on the clay quality in the tempering process and left for around 1 to 5 days which softens and lumps. Conventionally clay pits are flooded with water for tempering purpose (excess water added). It could seem better way for the digging becomes easier but in terms of the strength of the final brick, with which we can’t play much, it’s a big disadvantageous approach. Instead we should dig the soil first and then mix adequate amount of water to it. This step is followed by Mixing to break big lumps and to homogenize the softened clay mixture. The mixing could be done mechanically, by the use of some ani... ... Types of Conventional Bricks The Building bricks are classified based upon their strength which is directly affected by the baking temperature. So the less baked brick is of poor quality and vice versa. These are termed as A/B grade bricks in Indian countryside. Now-a-days the A grade bricks cost is around INR 3500 per 1000 bricks and around INR 2500 for B grade bricks. There are other types of bricks also like Facing Bricks, Glazed Bricks etc. The price of these bricks is highly varying based upon the properties you want to have like texture, color, heat resistance etc. References:- 1. 2. 3. ‘Village Level Brick-Making’ by Anne Beamish & Will Donovan. 4.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Locate Examples for 8 of the 15 Logical Fallacies Discussed in This Lesson in Your “Dialogues: an Argument Rhetoric and Reader, ” 4th Ed., by Goshgarian, Krueger, and Minc

Composition 2 GE 127 Week 2 minor assignment December 28, 2011 Locate examples for 8 of the 15 logical fallacies discussed in this lesson in your â€Å"Dialogues: An Argument Rhetoric and Reader,† 4th Ed. , by Goshgarian, Krueger, and Minc 1. Ad hominem; An Ad hominem argument is a Latin phrase that attacks the man instead of the argument. Example: You are so stupid your argument couldn't possibly be true. Logical Fallacies or Fallacies in Argumentation retrieved on Jan. 1, 2011 from http://carm. org/logical-fallacies-or-fallacies-argumentation 2. Begging the question is assuming some to be true that you cannot prove – similar to circular reasoning. Example: I think he is unattractive because he is ugly. Beg the question retrieved on Dec. 28, 2011 from http://begthequestion. info/ 3. slippery slope: Presumes a change in procedure, law, or action, will result in adverse consequences. Example: If we allow doctor assisted suicide, then eventually the government will control how we die. List of common fallacies 1997 retrieved on December 28, 2011 from http://nobeliefs. om/fallacies. htm 4. Circular Reasoning Also known as the fallacy of redundancy, begging the question, or tautology, this is when the conclusion or claim is merely a restatement of one of the premises. Christian apologetics is filled with tautologies: Example: Is there a God? Yes. How do you know? Because the Bible says so. How do you know the Bible is correct? Because it was inspired by God. In other words, God is because God is.. How Thinking Goes Wrong ret rieved on Dec. 28, 2011 from http://www. ositiveatheism. org/writ/sherm3. htm 5. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc, or after this, therefore because of this. This fallacy assumes that because one event occurs just prior to another, the first event caused the second. Example: In one recent case, an operations group asked for help solving a problem with the disruption of the flow of one ingredient in a process. The group felt the problem was caused by a rise in the viscosity of another ingredient. Although logic indicated the iscosity of one material had no impact on the flow of the other, the sequence of events led the group to the fallacious conclusion that it did. The key to avoiding this fallacy is the old adage, â€Å"Don't jump to conclusions. † LexisNexis Academics retrieved on Dec. 28, 2011 from http://www. lexisnexis. com. proxy. itt-tech. edu/hottopics/lnacademic/? verb=sr;csi=8406;sr=lni%283VB5-28H0-00H1-023M%29 6. Red Herring Red Herring is when you attempt to confuse the audience by introducing a topic that has nothing to do with the situation at hand. Example, I know your car isn't working right. But, if you had gone to the store one day earlier, you'd not be having this problem. Logical Fallacies or Fallacies in Argumentation retrieved on Jan. 1, 2011 from http://carm. org/logical-fallacies-or-fallacies-argumentation 7. Ad Populum Argument: An argument aimed at appealing to the majority. Example: â€Å"Man could alleviate his misery by marriage. This close companionship enhances the joys of one and mitigated the sorrow of the other, and anyone knew God always provided for married people. Lee Emily Pearson, Elizabethans at Home, (Stanford Univ. Pr. ), 289. Philosophy. Lander. edu retrieved on Jan. 1, 2012 from http://philosophy. lander. edu/logic/popular. html 8. The Bandwagon Appeal. This is committed when someone user irrelevant arguments based on popularity to make a point and is widely used in advertisements, Example: Everyone is selfish; everyone is doing what he believes will make himself happier Harry Browne, â€Å"The Un selfishness Trap† retrieved on Jan. 1, 2012 from How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World (1973).

Sunday, November 10, 2019

IBM Corporation Turnaround Essay

IBM leading the technology industry passed through several challenges in last few decades. IBM had undergone significant changes to ensure effectiveness of its business. Market competition and globalization of industry decreased the effectiveness of IBM requiring change in structure and work setting. IBM focused on its core competencies while successfully adopted new managerial structure placing emphasis on flexible decision making with increased responsibility on first line managers. Case Statement IBM was successfully leading the technology industry since its formation and profitably penetrated in various markets globally. However, the company expanded incautiously resulting in increased overhead cost; although profits were soaring but gradual change in demand by the end of year 1990 create significant financial problems for company depicted in huge losses for the consecutive three years. This case identifies the reasons which root to IBM condition in 1990 and sequential pattern of changes in structure which affected the financial performance of company. This case classifies the role of management in IBM performance and associated impact of overhead on company potential to grow. Basically, this case categorizes the problems which plunged the IBM to move towards failure and associated role of management. Situation Analysis of IBM under John Akers Leadership IBM was controlling approx. 70% profits of global technology industry in 1980s beginning era. However, during the last years of decade company was encountered with serious problems that affected the performance of company. John Akers, CEO of IBM appointed in year 1985, created significant changes in organization structure and work settings; defined new setting of decision making and operational procedures conforming his attitude and behavior. Company returns on assets and on equity started eroding and finally move towards negative return on business. IBM suffered with decreasing market share, loss of profits, negative perception building of customers towards IBM, increasing competition, and failures in product launch (Hitt et al. , 2007). IBM was striving hard to compete with new entrants in market, maintain its profitability level, and kept high market demand for its mainframe computers. Company was following bureaucratic structure, centralized decision making hindering to the growth of company. IBM overhead costs were momentous to industry average cost; overhead costs were three times of industry, company was offering high perks and benefits to employees, majority of employees were detrimental to work requirement, executives were not fully productive and were relying on junior members to perform their duties (creating unnecessary employment). Company had 125 data centers globally; internally organization was not proficient in IT management resulting in bad performance of IBM. Research department of IBM appeared unable to design products in consideration of customer demand which created significant problems in the beginning of 1991 (Hitt et al. , 2007), pushing company towards change in management structure, and requiring large scale operational change in organization to cover up its cost from current demand level. SWOT Analysis of IBM IBM is operating globally leading the industry with its unmatched solution compare to competitor’s offerings remarking the business performance. A brief SWOT analysis of IBM is as under: Strengths IBM offers a range of solutions to numerous businesses which differentiated it from competitors. IBM was dealing in mainframes, mainframe storage, single user personal computers, minicomputers, and client/server solutions. Company was soaring high profits from the industry, therefore spending high amount on R&D to invent and design products in consideration of future demand (Hitt et al. , 2007). IBM has strong brand image which increases the company sustainability and efficiently penetrate in competitive markets. Company had effective teams of personnel; reach to customers was valuable due to high value propositions. Weaknesses IBM was following bureaucratic structure and senior executives were running the operational decisions; limited decision making power reduced the innovation and hindered the growth of company. Company had employed unnecessary people to fulfill job tasks, increasing the cost. However, senior management members were relying on junior/support members for reporting purposes which resulted in refined information flow necessary for organization function irrespective of challenges that can be faced in long run. Executives’ remuneration was very high compare to services in return to organization; overhead costs dramatically increase as different competitors entered in industry (Hickman, 2006). IBM did not focus on offering of browser and network integration application which revolutionized the industry in early 1990s; however investing in OS/2 operating system resulted in financial losses. Opportunities IBM being one of the giant leaders of technology industry secures high profits and market share. This provides company an opportunity to overtake small business entities to offer diverse and complete range of products to customer (one stop solution). Competitors were investing huge amount on new products creation which IBM can use in its product portfolio to reach global consumers to increase brand value. Threats New competitors which include DELL, ACCENTURE, COMPAQ and MICROSOFT focused on offering computer products at cheap prices (Hitt et al. , 2007); IBM rely on Intel for some of its core physical component supply; IBM customer relationship management strategy; inefficiency of R&D to design innovative solution; market globalization and organization structure created direct threats to IBM market share.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Steps to Effective Lesson Planning for Grades 7â€12

Steps to Effective Lesson Planning for Grades 7–12 Writing lesson plans ensures that you are addressing the requirements of the curriculum, effectively planning teaching time, and using the best strategies to address student needs.  Ã‚  Your school district may already have a template, or you can use a general lesson plan template as you work through creating your lesson plans. Before Writing the Plan Begin with the end in mind. Ask the following questions: What do you want the students to learn from this lesson?What state or national standards are you meeting?What does the curriculum from your state or your district require?What are the needs of your students in meeting the requirements of the curriculum? Once youve determined this, write a quick description and list out your objectives for the assignment. Ensure that you will provide extra support to students who do not have the skills to meet the objective. Keep a vocabulary list that uses academic vocabulary words  that you can access as you write out your lesson plan procedure. Additionally, decide content vocabulary students will need as well. This will help you remember terms that you need to make sure the students understand as they work through the lesson. Create a materials list and add to this as you write your procedure so that you know exactly what you will need including audiovisual equipment, the number of copies youll need, other required materials, and even the page numbers from books you plan to cover. Creating the Lesson Plan Determine if the lesson is new learning or a review. Decide how you will begin the lesson. For example, decide whether to use a simple oral explanation for the lesson or a pre-activity to determine what students know. Decide the method(s) you will use to teach the content of your lesson. For example, does it lend itself to independent reading, lecture, or whole group discussion? Will you target instruction for certain students by grouping? Sometimes it is best to use a combination of these methods, varying teaching techniques: beginning with a few minutes of lecture- such as five minutes- followed by an activity in which students apply what you taught or a short whole-group discussion to ensure that the students understand what you have taught them. Decide  how you will have the students practice the skill/information you just taught them. For example, if you have taught them about the use of a map in a particular country or town, envision how you will have them practice this information to truly gain an understanding of the material. You might have them complete independent practice, use a whole-group simulation, or allow students to work cooperatively on a project. The key is to get students to practice the information you have presented. Once you determine how students will practice the skills that you taught them, decide how you will know that they understood what was taught. This could be a simple show of hands or something more formal as a 3-2-1 exit slip. Sometimes a game activity can be an effective way to review, or if the technology is available, a kahoot! quiz. Review the draft lesson plan to determine any accommodations you need to make for your class including accommodations for English-language learners and special education students. Once you have completed your lesson plan, include  any details such as  homework assignments. Make any copies of handouts needed and gather materials for the lesson. Tips and Hints Always start with the final assessment, showing that students understand the material you have presented. Knowing the assessments will leave you  better able to focus the lesson on what is essential. Additionally: Refer regularly to curriculum documents and pacing guides.Try not to rely solely on your textbook for lessons, but do ensure that you evaluate any other source you might use like other books, other teachers, written resources, and internet web pages.Some school districts require standards to be listed on the lesson plans while others do not. Make sure that you check with your school district. Always overplan: It is much easier to cut things out of a plan or continue it the next day than fill 15 or 20 extra minutes. If possible, connect homework to real life. This will help reinforce what the students should be learning.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

5 Tips for Writing an Incredible FSU Essay

5 Tips for Writing an Incredible FSU Essay SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Florida State University, or FSU, is a top-100 school and ranked number three in Florida Colleges. With a 56 percent acceptance rating, they’re considered to be a competitive school. That means you’ll need to impress them in your application, and a well-written FSU essay is one great way to go about it! This guide will walk you through the FSU essay, including whether or not writing one is the right choice for you. What Should You Know About the FSU Application Essay? Unlike many schools, FSU’s essay is optional. You can apply using the Coalition or Common Application, or even FSU’s own app- the Coalition and FSU apps have the same prompts, whereas the Common app has its own set. Whether you should use the Coalition, Common, or FSU-specific application depends on a few different variables. What application system do the other schools that you’re applying to use? Because these applications can be sent to multiple schools, you can use whatever one is most convenient. If you’re not sure, read up on the pros and cons of each to help you make a decision. If you’re still not sure, you can always use FSU’s unique application. FSU only requires one essay. You have five prompts to choose from if you’re using the FSU or Coalition Application, and seven to choose from if you’re using the Common Application. Regardless of what prompt you choose, your essay should be under 600 words. If you're thinking about writing an FSU essay, you probably should. Should You Write an FSU Essay? Because FSU’s essays are optional, it’s natural to ask whether you should write one at all. You’re likely writing tons of essays for other applications, and maybe you just want a bit of a break from the whole process. However, if you’re given the opportunity to expand on your application in an essay, it’s usually in your best interest to take it. Before you start, do some brainstorming about what aspects of yourself could use some fleshing out in your application. If you have an interest that hasn’t been covered elsewhere or an experience you want to share that will help make you a more appealing candidate for FSU, definitely write the essay- it’s your best opportunity to showcase that side of you, and those personal details are exactly what FSU wants to see. If you’re struggling to think of something to cover in the supplemental essay, spend some time brainstorming and looking through all of the available prompts. If you’re offered a place to write an essay, it’s best to take it, unless you truly feel that you have nothing to expand upon. If that’s the case, consider why that is- you may find that there’s an essay topic there, too! Essentially, you should be writing an essay for this section, even if it’s optional. Taking this opportunity to expand on your application both demonstrates your commitment and shows your multiple facets. It won’t be the sole determining factor in your application, but if you have the opportunity to up your chances, do it! A fresh notebook is one great way to get your brain in gear to write. What Are the FSU Essay Prompts? FSU’s essay prompts are determined by which application you choose to use- Coalition, Common, or FSU’s own application. If you choose the Coalition or FSU application, you have five prompts to choose from, and if you choose the Common Application you’ll have seven. You only need to write one essay, so choose whichever prompt resonates with you most strongly. Because these are the same prompts used in the standard application formats, follow the guidelines for either the Coalition Application or the Common Application depending on which prompt you choose. Do feel free to get more specific than you would if the essay was going to every school, however- if you’re only sending it to FSU, tying your essay to something specific about the college can demonstrate that you’re more serious about attending! Coalition Application/FSU Essay Prompts Tell a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it. Describe a time when you made a meaningful contribution to others in which the greater good was your focus. Discuss the challenges and rewards of making your contribution. Has there been a time when you've had a long-cherished or accepted belief challenged? How did you respond? How did the challenge affect your beliefs? What is the hardest part of being a teenager now? What's the best part? What advice would you give a younger sibling or friend (assuming they would listen to you)? Submit an essay on a topic of your choice. Common Application Essay Prompts Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story. The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience? Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome? Describe a problem you've solved or a problem you'd like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma - anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution. Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others. Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more? Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you've already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design. Having a plan from the start will help you write a better FSU essay. 5 Key FSU Essay Tips As with all college essays, having a plan before you start is the best way to ace FSU’s supplemental essay. Don’t just jump in and hope for the best- start early, give yourself plenty of time to revise, and polish your essay as best you can to impress the admissions office with your achievements and individuality. #1: Plan Remember everything you learned in school about brainstorming and outlining? Now’s the time to put it into action. If you brainstorm and outline a few different options to find the one that works best for you and that makes you feel the proudest of it, you’ll save yourself some time. A strong outline is the first step to a strong essay, and you won’t be losing hours and hours of work if you decide midway through that a prompt isn’t working for you. #2: Draft Once you’ve settled on a topic and you have a firm idea of how you want to write it, it’s time to draft. Don’t worry about making your first draft perfect- nobody has to see it but you! Get your ideas out first, set them aside, and return to them after a few days to polish them into a state where you’re comfortable letting others see them. #3: Seek Feedback Now comes the hard part- letting other people give you feedback. Choose a few people you trust to give you honest and helpful advice on your essay, not just those who are going to tell you it looks great. When you receive feedback, don’t feel like it’s a personal attack or that you need to make every change people suggest- often, you can find a middle ground between readers not understanding what you meant and maintaining your own voice and writing style. #4: Revise Revising is one of the most important steps in crafting a great essay. All that feedback you got in the previous step will help guide your next draft, giving you a roadmap to work from. Make notes on your draft, add and delete things, and read the whole thing aloud to make sure it flows well. Once you’re satisfied, put it away! #5: Let It Rest Letting your draft rest for a bit gives you some time to forget what you’ve written and come back to it with fresh eyes. When you read your essay for the first time in a while, you can start to see any errors that have crept in or any inconsistencies in your logic. Now that you’ve already gotten feedback and revised your essay, you can clean these last bits up and have an essay you’re really proud of! What's Next? If you're applying to FSU, you want to be sure that your standardized test scores are up to snuff. Whether you're taking the ACT or SAT, our guides will help you figure out where you are and where you need to be. Part of college searching is figuring out what colleges you can afford and how much financial aid you'll need to cover. With our guide to FSU's tuition and financial aid, all your bases are covered! Not sure if FSU is for you? Check out this list of other schools in Florida to find the college that suits you best. Want to write the perfect college application essay? Get professional help from PrepScholar. Your dedicated PrepScholar Admissions counselor will craft your perfect college essay, from the ground up. We'll learn your background and interests, brainstorm essay topics, and walk you through the essay drafting process, step-by-step. At the end, you'll have a unique essay that you'll proudly submit to your top choice colleges. Don't leave your college application to chance. Find out more about PrepScholar Admissions now:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Major factors of obesity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Major factors of obesity - Essay Example This essay "Major factors of obesity" outlines the causes of obesity and the consequences of this medical condition. The problem of obesity is being considered to be a serious issue in the United States of America owing to the fact that the number of people who suffer from this condition have increased. According to the statistical analysis of the year 2010, in the United States one out of every five individuals had increased weight in comparison to the normal limits. This analysis revealed the fact that the problem has been increasing in the country as statistics from the year 1991 showed that one out of every eight people suffered from the problem of increased weight. Recent reports presented by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention highlighted the fact that in the year 2011, there are 9 million youths and young children who are overweight. A similar report indicated the fact that 130 million adults were suffering from the problem of increased weight. The effects of obesit y on the health of individuals have led to mark obesity to be a serious problem. The Department of Health and Human Services in the United States highlighted the fact that healthcare costs of the people who were suffering from obesity served to lay a burden on the healthcare system of the country owing to the higher cost that has to be paid for their health. It was also indicated that the pathological conditions that resulted due to obesity led to the death of 300,000 individuals in the United States (Bass III 2011; Huber 2010; McCambridge 2006).

Friday, November 1, 2019

Case Study - Evaluating the Purchase of an Asset with Various Capital

- Evaluating the Purchase of an Asset with Various Capital Budgeting Methods - Case Study Example nd 50 miles per gallon respectively, whereas, the cost and miles per gallon of non-hybrid Toyota Yaris 5-Door LE 2014 is $ 17,644 and 32 respectively (U.S. Department of Energy). The total cost of driving the hybrid model for one year = annual gallons of fuel*cost per gallon. Gallons used per year = (12,000/50) = 240 gallons. Therefore, total cost = (240*2.071) = $ 497.04 per year. On the other hand, the total cost of driving the non-hybrid model for one year = annual gallons used*cost per gallon. Gallons used per year = (12,000/32) = 375 gallons. Therefore, the total cost = (375*2.071) = $ 776.625 per year. Consequently, the savings offered by the hybrid model over the non-hybrid model = (776.625 – 497.04) = $ 279.585 per year (Fuel cost calculator). The NPV of the hybrid model. The annual cash inflow = $ 279.585. The rate of return = 10%. The initial investment = $ 19,905. The NPV = $ -18,187. See appendix 1 (Götze, Northcott, and Schuster 68-76). Comparatively, the NPV of the hybrid model (-18,187) is lower than the cost of the gasoline engine model (17,644). However, from a pure financial standpoint, the hybrid model makes sense since it saves up to $ 279.585 on fuel consumption as compared to non-hybrid model (Götze, Northcott, and Schuster 68-76). The payback period is the time taken to recover the amount invested in a project. Based on this case study, the initial investment = cost of a hybrid model – cost of the gasoline engine model) = (19,905 - 17,644) = $ 2,261. The expected annual net cash flow = $ 279.585. Therefore, the payback period = (2,261/279.585) = 8.087 years (Götze, Northcott, and Schuster 68-76). The following are some of the quality concerns related to the hybrid model: first, the car battery loses the charge faster during the cold season, thus increases the number of charging occasions. Second, the hybrid cars weigh less compared to gasoline engine cars. As a result, they easily get involved in accidents, especially during

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Summary Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Summary - Lab Report Example Even today, every job that a person has, is somehow or the other related to the environment and thus an environmental studies student needs to evaluate his skills and define his values on a personal as well as societal level. In order to develop an academic plan, a student needs to understand the requirements for transfers to different universities, mainly CSU and UC, which have been explained with respect to the marks, units and courses. Students have been clearly explained regarding how they need to go about understanding the requirements of the various departments within each and every course in these various colleges so that they have options once they get out of school in order to make themselves productive. The A.A degree is then emphasized upon which requires a total of 90 units. The various major and minor environmental studies plans have been talked about and the vitality that an internship holds in the life of a student has been greatly discussed in order to help the studen ts understand that only when they work in various fields will they understand what interests them and what excites them. Therefore, the options that an environmental studies student has have been deliberated upon along with the various credentials associated with each and every course which may be beneficial during the course of his study. Every student needs to check his major requirements as his academic plan will ultimately consist of a GE or general education and a major. Students require a guide and De Anza College provides exactly that for them to be lead towards the various programs and questions were encouraged greatly. The teacher again and again highlighted the need for preparing a strong mission statement because that in it would act as a blueprint for the student towards his course achievement. A tremendous amount of careers in the environmental studies field was talked about like the jobs in fields of recycling, energy, agriculture etc. and how each student can finally contribute towards fostering the environment and making a difference. Teachers from universities like the San Jose University spoke about the various departments and courses that they offer as well as the areas of expertise that they excel in and unique features of their programs which include an excellent atmosphere for learning as well as the personal attention provided to each and every student and the internships that they are entitled to as part of the program. The environmental studies degree is very flexible because there are various job opportunities and so students are taught to be focused but be light on their feet in order to move from one field to another under the same branch. The second class mostly emphasized on the various careers that a student can get into, taking into account the internships that one must undergo before associating himself with a particular job; for example an energy management advocate, biologist working in various fields, undertaking work in the biodiversity etc. and time must be spent reviewing various books in order to work towards the final journal which would include the path that each student would want to finally undertake instead of simply juggling the various options. A concrete academic plan consists of focusing on a single area which throughout the course would be made. Various organizations like were talked about with respect to job opportunities

Monday, October 28, 2019

Original Classroom Assessment Essay Example for Free

Original Classroom Assessment Essay Over the past few years, there have been many debates and theories made regarding the concentration of world popular culture on Western – particularly, American influences. American consumer symbols such as McDonald and Mickey are among the most popular manifestations of the tremendously increasing sway of the U. S. on various countries all around the globe. As American consumer culture continues to embrace a worldwide cultural sphere, the issue of globalization through cultural imperialism also rises. Cultural imperialism refers to a whole new form of colonialism. Basically, it is the act of invading a country at a cultural level, thereby gradually replacing the predominant local culture with a foreign culture through commercial influences. Undeniably, American consumer culture does not only pervade worldwide commercial ventures. It also permeates everyday life as worldwide consumers continue to patronize American cultural commodities. The term â€Å"cultural commodities† refers to a wide range of products and services that can potentially alter or affect culture in varying degrees. Cultural commodities can be in the form of technological products, scientific procedures, learning systems, educational services, and media merchandising. Among all these, the media commodities are regarded as the most effective vehicle for transmitting lifestyles, values, and ideologies. In this paper, the research focuses on a particular medium of cultural transmission – films. Film, as a popular form of entertainment worldwide, is regarded as an important venue for cultural transmission as it reaches a massive amount of audience. Hollywood’s worldwide dominance has raised concerns about the erosion of local film industries, as well as the themes and resources that it involves. In an attempt to critically examine what effects does globalization through media-based cultural imperialism pose on local cultures and industries, this research centers on the British film industry. Since the British nation once had the same cultural dominance that the US enjoys nowadays, it is only fit to examine how the cultural commodity of a once-powerful nation can possibly withstand the challenges posed by today’s dominant culture. In this research, the status of the British film industry in a highly US-dominated field will be explored based on the theoretical explanations of why Hollywood continues to prosper amidst supposed local competency and resistance. As the manifestations of cultural imperialism in the British film industry are described, this research will also involve an exploration of what qualifies as a British film in a cultural sense. Moreover, the study also presents some steps on how the British film industry can thrive in today’s free trade setting. Pondering on the debates of free trade and dependency theories, this research works on the argument that although the British film industry is much propelled by globalization and US cultural imperialism, the most appropriate marketing proposition for it remains to be the nation’s local creative resources and utilization of overseas investment, not the application of US-patterned strategies on a domestic level.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The World Wide Web Essays -- Internet Technology Computers Essays

The World Wide Web Communication--it is a fundamental part of our everyday lives. It characterizes who we are, what we do, and how we relate to others in society. It is a very powerful tool that holds many different uses for our basic needs and survival. At a very simplistic level, it is key in attaining our very basic needs for survival. In that respect, it is key in achieving all needs in Maslows hierarchy. Its uses and possibilities endless. Over time, the discoveries that have been made in relation to communication have been revolutionary in that they have changed the way we live and act dramatically. For example, the writing on walls, pencils, pens, ink, paper, the printing press, telegraph, telephone, television, electronic mail--these only touch the surface. But, what they all have in common is that they have impacted our lives and the way in which members of society relate to one another, understand and percieve one another. As technology advances, the ways in which we communicate will change and advance. In 1992, the inception of the World Wide Web brought about, which at that time many people were unaware, a revolution in the communication industry. In essence, the way in which people communicate with one another would be changed forever. Families with relatives, friends, managers and employees, organizations-public and private, commerce--the consumer and the supplier. These and an endless number of communication relationships would be changed forever. This web site provides a detailed description of the World Wide Web, its history, the traditional and technological implications that have been brought about with it and raises some moral and ethical questions about the WWW. TARGET TECHNOLOGY--The Wo... ... to do with it or how it was going to change our futures. But, as time went on, we learned to better utilize the invention and how to capitalize on the advantages it holds. Today television is key in many peoples' lives. It changed communication, advertising, commerce and a countless number of things forever. I believe that the Web already has and will do the same in these areas in the future, only with an even greater impact. References Pasadena Public Library. "Internet Tutorial." A World Wide Web Tutorial. (13 April 1999). Halonen, Olli-Pekka. "Guide for creating World Wide Web." A World Wide Web History. (13 April 1999). Ray, Tim. "HTML Definition." A Definition of HTML. (15 April 1999).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Community Insight Essay

Last December 20-21, 2013 we conducted a community immersion in Barangay 8a Upper Madapo hills Davao City. At first, I was very iffy about attending immersion. I didn’t see the entire point of attending something that didn’t seem to mean much to me, But as the days wore on during my immersion, I came to realize how blessed I was in life, how blessed I was to have grown up in such a safe and warm environment. With a loving family, and enough money to support my daily needs and education. During my immersion, I got to meet children who were only a few years younger than me, but who have endured much more in life than I ever have. They didn’t have the same resources that I have had to live a good lifestyle. The kids were very nice and friendly and cooperated with us when it came to the activities that we had prepared. We laid out activities for us and the children that were meant to be fun and social-oriented. At the end of those 2 days, I got to learn a lot about those children and the environment that they had been thrust into. At the end of it all, I am glad that I chose to attend the immersion. Though different from the other immersion sessions of other students I got to learn a lot about the community I was involved in. I can say that All our hard work and labor during the immersion had produced wonderful fruits and were just so happy that we made lot of children smile. Our experienced is Tiring yet FUN! This really was a worthwhile learning experience. A community, by definition, cannot be exclusive. In a community, everyone is tied by common bonds and chooses to look out for each other, not because it is convenient, but because it is right. A community is made of individuals, who are all equal in their humanity. Service has changed me by bringing me into contact with people who I would have not met otherwise and by amplifying my capacity to understand and empathize with others. I realized that Community Service is important for many reasons.I realized that It is A unique opportunity to use what was taught in class in a real-world setting, to Experience an increased cultural awareness and an appreciation for diversity. It is A great chance for us to network and build relationships. And it provides us with opportunities to use newly acquired skills and knowledge in real-life situations in the communities. My experience during the community immersion teaches a lot on me. I learned to become independent and face the responsibility being task on me. I learned to socialized with different people whatever there status in the society. And most important I learned how to respect life and thankful for what I have right now. The community immersion open my eyes to many things and reality and I will cherich this experience for it teaches me to become a better person. The community immersion that we conducted has taught me the value of learning not only from professors, but also from fellow classmates, partners in the community, and individuals, regardless of their age or educational background. It has also taught me to be an active member of our society. I realized that in doing community immersion, a person will find themselves and be exposed to the lifestyles of other people, which also tends to make them more aware of the needs of the less fortunate. the Moment when I joined the advanced immersion and went to Upper Madapo hill I consider it an integral aspect of my life. Taking part in community immersion on the community fosters a unique sense of charity and goodness. A feeling that not only benefits those in need, but also advances the self-worth and morality of an individual. My love for the environment also motivated when I joined the immersion. The rivers, fields, trees, animals – they can’t speak up when they need help. In our world, they often become damaged until someone notices. Community service to me, also means giving the earth a voice. Community service is not about logging hours proving that you are active or have paid your debt to society. It is about forming connections, lending yourself to something that is bigger than you, stepping outside of your comfort zone to understand the connection between self interest and common interest. In just a short time in our community immersion leaves us both feeling blessed. Doing Community service leaves me with a happiness that I haven’t been able to find anywhere else in my life. The knowledge that I have helped others brings me peace and satisfaction. It supplies me with a different perspective on life, one that I constantly need to be reminded of. It has opened my naive up to the fact that life is delicate and precious. There are so many aspects and complications to the world that my so-called problems are a tiny speck compared to the issues that community service has allowed me to understand. Community service is a way for me to grow and learn. My experiences have changed my life, and knowing that I have helped others is a wonderful gift. Community service shows us that the world is not the cold and inhumane place that many people consider it to be. Still community service goes beyond dedicating your time to help someone else, it’s dedicating your mind to others. It is seeing or hearing something that is upsetting and actually wanting to make a change. Many people see what is wrong in the world and try to change it with more money, or new programs, however that is not what the world needs. The world needs human compassion; it is the engine that keeps us going. More than money we need kindness, and nothing shows the true concern for those around more than dedicating your time to help them. I believe that the beauty of community service lies in its ability to connect us all closer together. My most memorable community service experience has been in Upper Madapo Hills. It is a useful, enjoyable, and powerful learning experience.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Health Care and Communication Essay

How does effective communication incorporate the basic elements of communication? Health communication means from the way we socialize about our health problems around the dinner table to the patient-caregiver reciprocal action, good leadership and great teamwork in health care organizations, and the health images in the media. Because our health is so dynamic, complex, and mutually dependent, while it is very important to understand the current issues and how the many constituent element, as of a system to come into a mutual or reciprocal relationship. Efficient communication is noted by many important focuses of the communication process. However, there are many processes of communication and the elements consist of many important elements and provide formal and informal channels, which are very common within major health organizations. The major element of communication is sorted into three major elements. These are the elements that incorporate the process or an isolated event, the involvement of at the minimum of two or more people, and the exchanging of personal information. These focuses are firmly together by many variables, which have influenced the effectiveness in something called the communication process. . How do the basic elements of effective communication differ from the basic rules of health care communication? Interpersonal or pertaining to the relations between persons communication must be clear, complete, and, understanding. The health care industry survives on multiple communication efforts between the doctors, the nurses, the specialists, with the insurance companies and many other individuals like patients. Interpersonal communication is the plan that holds the medical industry together. It also serves as protection or a guard of customer satisfaction and which can prevent a medical mishap with huge consequence. How might a provider encourage a reluctant consumer to communicate candidly? A provider can influence an unwilling consumer to communicate unreservedly honest and frank in healthcare by spreading ideas and information throughout the community and while using communication to make the team be more effective. Teamwork can be used as a effectively way to communicate with one another by conditionally telling each individual by acknowledging ideas, and opinion as well as giving support to each other, and co-worker. Organization may be large or small depends on the work performance of its employee to be successful. This is why communication is playing a big role in the organization. Without communication among employees as well as supervisors could lead the company be unsuccessful and fail.