Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Summary Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Summary - Lab Report Example Even today, every job that a person has, is somehow or the other related to the environment and thus an environmental studies student needs to evaluate his skills and define his values on a personal as well as societal level. In order to develop an academic plan, a student needs to understand the requirements for transfers to different universities, mainly CSU and UC, which have been explained with respect to the marks, units and courses. Students have been clearly explained regarding how they need to go about understanding the requirements of the various departments within each and every course in these various colleges so that they have options once they get out of school in order to make themselves productive. The A.A degree is then emphasized upon which requires a total of 90 units. The various major and minor environmental studies plans have been talked about and the vitality that an internship holds in the life of a student has been greatly discussed in order to help the studen ts understand that only when they work in various fields will they understand what interests them and what excites them. Therefore, the options that an environmental studies student has have been deliberated upon along with the various credentials associated with each and every course which may be beneficial during the course of his study. Every student needs to check his major requirements as his academic plan will ultimately consist of a GE or general education and a major. Students require a guide and De Anza College provides exactly that for them to be lead towards the various programs and questions were encouraged greatly. The teacher again and again highlighted the need for preparing a strong mission statement because that in it would act as a blueprint for the student towards his course achievement. A tremendous amount of careers in the environmental studies field was talked about like the jobs in fields of recycling, energy, agriculture etc. and how each student can finally contribute towards fostering the environment and making a difference. Teachers from universities like the San Jose University spoke about the various departments and courses that they offer as well as the areas of expertise that they excel in and unique features of their programs which include an excellent atmosphere for learning as well as the personal attention provided to each and every student and the internships that they are entitled to as part of the program. The environmental studies degree is very flexible because there are various job opportunities and so students are taught to be focused but be light on their feet in order to move from one field to another under the same branch. The second class mostly emphasized on the various careers that a student can get into, taking into account the internships that one must undergo before associating himself with a particular job; for example an energy management advocate, biologist working in various fields, undertaking work in the biodiversity etc. and time must be spent reviewing various books in order to work towards the final journal which would include the path that each student would want to finally undertake instead of simply juggling the various options. A concrete academic plan consists of focusing on a single area which throughout the course would be made. Various organizations like were talked about with respect to job opportunities

Monday, October 28, 2019

Original Classroom Assessment Essay Example for Free

Original Classroom Assessment Essay Over the past few years, there have been many debates and theories made regarding the concentration of world popular culture on Western – particularly, American influences. American consumer symbols such as McDonald and Mickey are among the most popular manifestations of the tremendously increasing sway of the U. S. on various countries all around the globe. As American consumer culture continues to embrace a worldwide cultural sphere, the issue of globalization through cultural imperialism also rises. Cultural imperialism refers to a whole new form of colonialism. Basically, it is the act of invading a country at a cultural level, thereby gradually replacing the predominant local culture with a foreign culture through commercial influences. Undeniably, American consumer culture does not only pervade worldwide commercial ventures. It also permeates everyday life as worldwide consumers continue to patronize American cultural commodities. The term â€Å"cultural commodities† refers to a wide range of products and services that can potentially alter or affect culture in varying degrees. Cultural commodities can be in the form of technological products, scientific procedures, learning systems, educational services, and media merchandising. Among all these, the media commodities are regarded as the most effective vehicle for transmitting lifestyles, values, and ideologies. In this paper, the research focuses on a particular medium of cultural transmission – films. Film, as a popular form of entertainment worldwide, is regarded as an important venue for cultural transmission as it reaches a massive amount of audience. Hollywood’s worldwide dominance has raised concerns about the erosion of local film industries, as well as the themes and resources that it involves. In an attempt to critically examine what effects does globalization through media-based cultural imperialism pose on local cultures and industries, this research centers on the British film industry. Since the British nation once had the same cultural dominance that the US enjoys nowadays, it is only fit to examine how the cultural commodity of a once-powerful nation can possibly withstand the challenges posed by today’s dominant culture. In this research, the status of the British film industry in a highly US-dominated field will be explored based on the theoretical explanations of why Hollywood continues to prosper amidst supposed local competency and resistance. As the manifestations of cultural imperialism in the British film industry are described, this research will also involve an exploration of what qualifies as a British film in a cultural sense. Moreover, the study also presents some steps on how the British film industry can thrive in today’s free trade setting. Pondering on the debates of free trade and dependency theories, this research works on the argument that although the British film industry is much propelled by globalization and US cultural imperialism, the most appropriate marketing proposition for it remains to be the nation’s local creative resources and utilization of overseas investment, not the application of US-patterned strategies on a domestic level.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The World Wide Web Essays -- Internet Technology Computers Essays

The World Wide Web Communication--it is a fundamental part of our everyday lives. It characterizes who we are, what we do, and how we relate to others in society. It is a very powerful tool that holds many different uses for our basic needs and survival. At a very simplistic level, it is key in attaining our very basic needs for survival. In that respect, it is key in achieving all needs in Maslows hierarchy. Its uses and possibilities endless. Over time, the discoveries that have been made in relation to communication have been revolutionary in that they have changed the way we live and act dramatically. For example, the writing on walls, pencils, pens, ink, paper, the printing press, telegraph, telephone, television, electronic mail--these only touch the surface. But, what they all have in common is that they have impacted our lives and the way in which members of society relate to one another, understand and percieve one another. As technology advances, the ways in which we communicate will change and advance. In 1992, the inception of the World Wide Web brought about, which at that time many people were unaware, a revolution in the communication industry. In essence, the way in which people communicate with one another would be changed forever. Families with relatives, friends, managers and employees, organizations-public and private, commerce--the consumer and the supplier. These and an endless number of communication relationships would be changed forever. This web site provides a detailed description of the World Wide Web, its history, the traditional and technological implications that have been brought about with it and raises some moral and ethical questions about the WWW. TARGET TECHNOLOGY--The Wo... ... to do with it or how it was going to change our futures. But, as time went on, we learned to better utilize the invention and how to capitalize on the advantages it holds. Today television is key in many peoples' lives. It changed communication, advertising, commerce and a countless number of things forever. I believe that the Web already has and will do the same in these areas in the future, only with an even greater impact. References Pasadena Public Library. "Internet Tutorial." A World Wide Web Tutorial. (13 April 1999). Halonen, Olli-Pekka. "Guide for creating World Wide Web." A World Wide Web History. (13 April 1999). Ray, Tim. "HTML Definition." A Definition of HTML. (15 April 1999).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Community Insight Essay

Last December 20-21, 2013 we conducted a community immersion in Barangay 8a Upper Madapo hills Davao City. At first, I was very iffy about attending immersion. I didn’t see the entire point of attending something that didn’t seem to mean much to me, But as the days wore on during my immersion, I came to realize how blessed I was in life, how blessed I was to have grown up in such a safe and warm environment. With a loving family, and enough money to support my daily needs and education. During my immersion, I got to meet children who were only a few years younger than me, but who have endured much more in life than I ever have. They didn’t have the same resources that I have had to live a good lifestyle. The kids were very nice and friendly and cooperated with us when it came to the activities that we had prepared. We laid out activities for us and the children that were meant to be fun and social-oriented. At the end of those 2 days, I got to learn a lot about those children and the environment that they had been thrust into. At the end of it all, I am glad that I chose to attend the immersion. Though different from the other immersion sessions of other students I got to learn a lot about the community I was involved in. I can say that All our hard work and labor during the immersion had produced wonderful fruits and were just so happy that we made lot of children smile. Our experienced is Tiring yet FUN! This really was a worthwhile learning experience. A community, by definition, cannot be exclusive. In a community, everyone is tied by common bonds and chooses to look out for each other, not because it is convenient, but because it is right. A community is made of individuals, who are all equal in their humanity. Service has changed me by bringing me into contact with people who I would have not met otherwise and by amplifying my capacity to understand and empathize with others. I realized that Community Service is important for many reasons.I realized that It is A unique opportunity to use what was taught in class in a real-world setting, to Experience an increased cultural awareness and an appreciation for diversity. It is A great chance for us to network and build relationships. And it provides us with opportunities to use newly acquired skills and knowledge in real-life situations in the communities. My experience during the community immersion teaches a lot on me. I learned to become independent and face the responsibility being task on me. I learned to socialized with different people whatever there status in the society. And most important I learned how to respect life and thankful for what I have right now. The community immersion open my eyes to many things and reality and I will cherich this experience for it teaches me to become a better person. The community immersion that we conducted has taught me the value of learning not only from professors, but also from fellow classmates, partners in the community, and individuals, regardless of their age or educational background. It has also taught me to be an active member of our society. I realized that in doing community immersion, a person will find themselves and be exposed to the lifestyles of other people, which also tends to make them more aware of the needs of the less fortunate. the Moment when I joined the advanced immersion and went to Upper Madapo hill I consider it an integral aspect of my life. Taking part in community immersion on the community fosters a unique sense of charity and goodness. A feeling that not only benefits those in need, but also advances the self-worth and morality of an individual. My love for the environment also motivated when I joined the immersion. The rivers, fields, trees, animals – they can’t speak up when they need help. In our world, they often become damaged until someone notices. Community service to me, also means giving the earth a voice. Community service is not about logging hours proving that you are active or have paid your debt to society. It is about forming connections, lending yourself to something that is bigger than you, stepping outside of your comfort zone to understand the connection between self interest and common interest. In just a short time in our community immersion leaves us both feeling blessed. Doing Community service leaves me with a happiness that I haven’t been able to find anywhere else in my life. The knowledge that I have helped others brings me peace and satisfaction. It supplies me with a different perspective on life, one that I constantly need to be reminded of. It has opened my naive up to the fact that life is delicate and precious. There are so many aspects and complications to the world that my so-called problems are a tiny speck compared to the issues that community service has allowed me to understand. Community service is a way for me to grow and learn. My experiences have changed my life, and knowing that I have helped others is a wonderful gift. Community service shows us that the world is not the cold and inhumane place that many people consider it to be. Still community service goes beyond dedicating your time to help someone else, it’s dedicating your mind to others. It is seeing or hearing something that is upsetting and actually wanting to make a change. Many people see what is wrong in the world and try to change it with more money, or new programs, however that is not what the world needs. The world needs human compassion; it is the engine that keeps us going. More than money we need kindness, and nothing shows the true concern for those around more than dedicating your time to help them. I believe that the beauty of community service lies in its ability to connect us all closer together. My most memorable community service experience has been in Upper Madapo Hills. It is a useful, enjoyable, and powerful learning experience.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Health Care and Communication Essay

How does effective communication incorporate the basic elements of communication? Health communication means from the way we socialize about our health problems around the dinner table to the patient-caregiver reciprocal action, good leadership and great teamwork in health care organizations, and the health images in the media. Because our health is so dynamic, complex, and mutually dependent, while it is very important to understand the current issues and how the many constituent element, as of a system to come into a mutual or reciprocal relationship. Efficient communication is noted by many important focuses of the communication process. However, there are many processes of communication and the elements consist of many important elements and provide formal and informal channels, which are very common within major health organizations. The major element of communication is sorted into three major elements. These are the elements that incorporate the process or an isolated event, the involvement of at the minimum of two or more people, and the exchanging of personal information. These focuses are firmly together by many variables, which have influenced the effectiveness in something called the communication process. . How do the basic elements of effective communication differ from the basic rules of health care communication? Interpersonal or pertaining to the relations between persons communication must be clear, complete, and, understanding. The health care industry survives on multiple communication efforts between the doctors, the nurses, the specialists, with the insurance companies and many other individuals like patients. Interpersonal communication is the plan that holds the medical industry together. It also serves as protection or a guard of customer satisfaction and which can prevent a medical mishap with huge consequence. How might a provider encourage a reluctant consumer to communicate candidly? A provider can influence an unwilling consumer to communicate unreservedly honest and frank in healthcare by spreading ideas and information throughout the community and while using communication to make the team be more effective. Teamwork can be used as a effectively way to communicate with one another by conditionally telling each individual by acknowledging ideas, and opinion as well as giving support to each other, and co-worker. Organization may be large or small depends on the work performance of its employee to be successful. This is why communication is playing a big role in the organization. Without communication among employees as well as supervisors could lead the company be unsuccessful and fail.