Saturday, February 22, 2020

Container architecture part2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Container architecture part2 - Assignment Example For the families who live in landed properties, their average monthly income is $25,419. Those that are at upper echelons actually make much more. Families in the top docile, (top 10%) happen to make a disproportionally high monthly average of $30,379 (Diane). The households within the next docile make up to about half of this high monthly average while in the next deciles down the line the figures go down linearly. There has been some significant increase in the resident’s level of education in Singapore time after time. Among those aged in between 25-39 years old, the university graduate percentage increased quite significantly between 2001 and 2011 (Ministry of Education, Singapore). Over the same period, there was a lower rate of increase in the number of holders of diplomas and professional certificates. All this improvement in level of education has been facilitated by the government’s devotion to improve living standards of its residents. In Singapore, education is under the management of the ministry of education (Ministry of Education, Singapore). The ministry controls administration and development of state schools, which enjoy government funding. About 20% of national budget goes to education in Singapore. Singapore’s architecture shows styles and influences from different places and periods. These include eclectic styles, hybrid styles from colonialism and some tendency of contemporary architecture incorporating many trends from all around the world. Traditional architecture includes local hybrid houses, Malay houses, black and white bungalows and worship places which reflect the ethnic as well as religious diversity of city-state and civic as well as commercial architecture of European neoclassical, Palladian, gothic, and renaissance styles (Powell, pg.46). From 1970s, the city has been dominated modern architecture like the brutalistic style. Many buildings today especially to the

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Art Music of Caribbean Latin America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Art Music of Caribbean Latin America - Essay Example Folklore too was used as subject matter for the songs, by musicians like Juan Francisco Garcia, for instance. There were classical influences too, like that of Claude Debussy on Marchena’s music. Jose Dolores is famous for adding the bells and bass to band music in the army. Jazz was incorporated too, by Luis Alberti, and others. Rafael Ignacio is famous for popularizing dance music. Classical music was very influential in Cuba. Ernesto Lecuona, Amadeo Roldà ¡n and Julian Orbon are again three notable pioneers of this country. Musical forms like the Salsa, had their roots in the Son, which first began in the 1570s. The influx of African slaves as well as the Spanish colonization had lasting impact on the development of music. The Rumba, Danzon, Chachacha and other dance forms became very popular and influential also. In Puerto Rico, Felipe Gutià ©rrez Espinosa was one of the best-known 19th century composers of religious music and operas. Manuel Gregorio Tavarez became the nation’s first Romantic composer, while Juan Morel Campos is known for taking the danza form to its peak. Music in Latin America has progressed more or less similarly; although, comparatively, the Dominican Republic appears to have several more well-known exponents of music. Influence of the Spanish colonization and the immigration of African slaves were responsible for a lot of the music development. This vast and varied repertoire of music was influenced, to a great degree, by the Spanish colonization. The elementary instrument of the guitar itself was introduced by the Spanish, without which a lot of the later musical forms would not have been conceived. The coming of the African slaves too made a profound impact, as they brought their traditional music along with them. The high-pitched nasal quality of singing, for instance, was introduced in this way. The political state too had a role to play.